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Preparing For a Successful Strongman Offseason
Competition, Life, Fitness RJ Kayser Competition, Life, Fitness RJ Kayser

Preparing For a Successful Strongman Offseason

November is a time of transition for strongman in Canada, as the weather changes and the opportunities and venues available for competing drop like the falling leaves around us. Hence, most of us are forced into some sort of offseason. 

For strongman in general, I believe that even if you have the ability to go somewhere to compete every month of the year, you should take some time at some point in the year to have an “offseason." Not only will this allow you to give your body some much needed R&R from the tremendous strain of our sport, but will also give you a chance to work on improving any lagging lifts and build additional muscle where it is most needed to strengthen your defenses against injury and breakdown next season. No matter if you look at it as the end of this season or the start of next season, let's take a look at what the options are and what you should do during the offseason to come back better than ever the next time you compete. 

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Video Vault: KSM 2016 and Battle at Quinte
Strongman, Competition RJ Kayser Strongman, Competition RJ Kayser

Video Vault: KSM 2016 and Battle at Quinte

I love competition day. You get to reconnect and put everything on the line with some of the only people who “get” what it is that you do and why you do it. When the whistle blows and you start the event, nothing goes through your mind for the next 90 seconds or less. It’s nice to get the chance to look back and reflect on your performance in competition, because if you’re really in the zone you’ll have no clue of how you really performed.
I’m very grateful that my mom captures video of most of my competitions when she can make it there. I finally got the footage from Kingston’s Strongest Man 2016 off of her phone, as well as the Battle at Quinte team competition that just took place. 

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Battle At Quinte: Strongman Team Grudge Match
Competition, Strongman RJ Kayser Competition, Strongman RJ Kayser

Battle At Quinte: Strongman Team Grudge Match

Thor was vengeful. The skies opened up on us. It was a slow start to the Battle At Quinte: Strongman Team Grudge Match as we waited for the torrential rains to pass in order to allow us to get started. The two teams, CSA - Colborne Strength Athletics from the Big Apple itself and their comrades and rivals from Kingston, Clydsdale Powere Team - yes we spell it without the E because we don't actually have horses for sale- faced off in two-man lift events along with the final showdown being the Stone of War...

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The Importance of Hydration For Athletes
Competition, Fitness, Fuel RJ Kayser Competition, Fitness, Fuel RJ Kayser

The Importance of Hydration For Athletes

Over this past summer I spent some time working with a local juniour varsity football team and taking some time to educate them on hydration and electrolyte balance for athletic performance. I quickly learned how daunting a task it is to hold the attention of a group of teenaged boys for more than a few minutes, but I digress.

I felt it would be good to adapt the information from my talking points into an article, since proper hydration is important for all athletic endeavours, especially those that take place outdoors during the summer heat. Strongman, Football, Basketball, Soccer, and even Crossfit; regardless of your sport, take a couple minutes to read this and ask yourself if you’re doing everything you can to optimize your performance through proper hydration. 

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What's The Difference Between Strongman and Powerlifting Competition Prep?
Competition, Strongman RJ Kayser Competition, Strongman RJ Kayser

What's The Difference Between Strongman and Powerlifting Competition Prep?

If you are actively competing in strongman or powerlifting, you are more than likely trying to do every little thing you can to make sure that your performance on competition day is as good as it can be. In my free eBook Maximizing Your Strongman Competition Performance, I shared with you the strategies that any strongman (or strongwoman) athlete can use the week leading up to a competition to ensure that they come in feeling their best physically and mentally for the day of the competition. This is an excerpt of a much larger project I’m working on for a complete year-round training and nutrition guide for the sport of strongman. If you’ve already checked out the eBook, you’ll probably have noticed that I allude to the topics of the night before a competition and the day of competition as separate chapters in the part on competition performance. 


Today I want to go into a little more detail on what I cover on the topics of the night before and day of competition and compare and contrast it with how powerlifters tend to approach their competition preparation. 

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Kingston's Strongest Man 2016
Competition, Strongman, Fitness RJ Kayser Competition, Strongman, Fitness RJ Kayser

Kingston's Strongest Man 2016

This past weekend marked the 2016 Kingston’s Strongest Man and Strongest Woman competition. It was a scorcher of a day without a cloud in the sky, but silly things like the weather conditions never stop strongmen from doing even sillier things like deadlifting cars. Due to unfortunate and unforeseen circumstances, there were only three men competing this year. While I like to hang out with and go up against more competitors, I had trained specifically for this competition, so what it really came down to was trying to improve on my own performances in training leading up to the competition. I was confident that I would perform well regardless of who showed up at the competition. 

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How to prepare for the week leading up to a competition.

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