The Infinite Scroll

The Facebook News Feed Eradicator was a game-changer for me. It blocked the Facebook feed and replaced it with a motivational quote.

And then Facebook went and updated their UI and now the News Feed Eradicator doesn't work.

Right in the middle of this fear and panic maelstrom.

The world is a strange and different place right now and understandably so people are scared and confused. Infinitely scrolling through your feed doesn't help one bit.

I've recognized that I too have become victim to this habit/addiction of checking Facebook and other social media feeds way too much. It's like pulling down a slot machine lever that only spits out negativity.

Stop it now.

It's actually very useful to stay connected through social media in this time of social distancing but don't spend your whole day hitting refresh.

The best thing to do is to be diligent in batching your social media time throughout the day.

If you've worked through the 2020 Vision course, you'll know that I think twice a day is typically enough time to connect with others online. At this time, with things changing sometimes by the hour, maybe checking your news feeds three or four times a day is acceptable but anything more than that is going to stress you out and drive you crazy.

The upside of this time is that any long-term goals or projects you've been putting off can be prioritized in your time alone. I'll talk more about how you can get yourself focused on this work in future blogs.

For now, don't get stuck in the infinite scroll.

Find Your Flow,





All The Time In The World