Olorin Nutrition
To Dream; To wander through life means not to be lost, but to live a rich life, full of adventure and experience.
My mission is to help you to reach your dream goals through coaching and information.
Olórin Nutrition provides top quality informational products and services for strongman and nutritional needs.
Thank you for your support and for joining us on this adventure.
Live the Dream.
About RJ Kayser
Since 2005, I have been digging deep into the science of nutrition and fitness. In 2011, I discovered the sport of strongman and found the niche that most resonated with me. My own training has focused on making improvements as a strongman since 2011 while staying healthy.
Olorin Nutrition
Olórin Nutrition was created as an extension of the collective goals we all have for ourselves.
Everybody has a dream deep down; something that they want to embody and make a reality.
The word Olórin originates from the Quenya language of the Elves of Tolkien lore. It means "Dreamer" or "Of Dreams" and is the original name of the Istar better known as Gandalf.
Olórin is the Dreamer that lives within us all. I hope to help inspire you to make your dreams a reality.
My Newsletter - A decade into the journey
In the newsletter and blog I delve into the science of nutrition and strongman as well as the journey through life in general and merge these fields into maximizing your ability to perform as an athlete and a human being. The overarching theme of my content is that through knowledge and experience, you'll learn how to:
Discover and achieve your dream goals.
Become a winning strongman or strongwoman.
Apply better nutrition to become a more dominant and durable athlete.
Recipes and nutrition strategies that will help you gain or lose weight to perform your best.
Compete naturally, without the use of performance enhancements and still win!
Get stronger and healthier, even if you're not interested in competing.
Let’s stay in touch! Join my newsletter to get all my best content for performing your best right in your inbox.
Helping clients struggling to lose weight or build muscle reach and then exceed their goals since 2011.
Coached clients to success in powerlifting meets and strongman competitions.
Successfully guided young strongman athletes with healthy weight gain.
BSc. Nutritional Science, University of Toronto.
BSc. Psychology, University of Toronto.
1st Place 2017/2019 Eastern Canada Natural Strongest Man.
4th Place 2018, 2019 Canada's Natural Strongest Man.
Precision Nutrition Level 2 Master Health Coach.