A Strongman Calling

As the season approaches swiftly, the sport beckons.

The desire grows deep to shake off a wintry sleep.

The Canadian Hercules is calling.

The challenge in strongman is in performing feats that the normal human body wasn't developed to handle. Nevertheless, like with any great challenge the satisfaction feels richer and more fulfilling for the effort not despite it.

But first, the qualifying athletes must be named. East, Central, and West. While many kilometers divide us, one sport and one federation unite us all.

Natural strongman is a small tribe, uncommon men amongst the uncommon.

Whether seeking to fill an emptiness or to slake an unquenchable thirst, each must discover on his own.

Who will be crowned champion will be forged with iron and stone.

It's game time.

[The Central Canada’s competition event page can be found here]




The Ambition Paradox