The Perfect Protein

The Fundamentals of Good Nutrition - Part 2 


Balancing your macronutrient intake with the needs of your body type and physical goals is the first big step towards achieving a healthful balance with your nutrition. There are three main macronutrients that contribute to our daily calorie goal, as discussed in part 1: proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. In general, when considering where your calories come from, proteins come first with fats a close second, and carbohydrates round out the diet. Before continuing, there might be some questions about how do you determine how much protein, fats, carbohydrates, or calories in general are in a given food. Food labels are required to provide a Nutrition Facts Table that contains this information. Keep in mind the serving size, or use a food scale if you’re new to learning portion sizes. My favourite tool for tracking foods and calories is the website and app called myfitnesspal. It also has a very comprehensive database for looking up nutrient information for foods.

Now, on with the protein. Click here to read more.



Are You Fat Phobic?


The Fundamentals of Good Nutrition - Part 1