Using Airr Podcasts To Take Better Podcast Notes

If you love listening to podcasts to learn, today I want to show you an app that’s going to blow your mind and change the way you listen to podcasts and learn from them.

I love podcasts so much it can be overwhelming at times. My list grows and grows until I have 70-100 new downloads to catch up on. But I keep coming back to podcasts because there’s so much to learn from the great conversations. And if you’re anything like me, you probably have experienced the frustration of trying to take notes on the podcasts that you listen to in an efficient way to come back to them when you want to review.

I’ve tried it all, from pausing and writing down timestamps for myself to figure out where to relisten but it doesn’t work well if you’re working out or driving and trying to capture those notes or bookmarks while on the go.

And this is where Airr comes in.

This is not a sponsored video by the way, I just love the fact that I can finally highlight audio segments to capture notes and even transcripts from what I’m listening to.

I’ve done a video before on the note taking system that I use for taking audiobook notes, and while it’s great and efficient for when you’re listening to books on Audible or Scribd, I can’t wait until this functionality comes to those apps for their audiobooks.

Check this out, when listening to a podcast, Airr gives you a transcript that you can follow along with for a lot of popular shows. The transcription isn’t always perfect but it’s good enough to find topics and sections within an episode if the podcast you’re listening to doesn’t do detailed show notes.

The Airrquotes section of the app keeps all your podcast highlights organized with any notes you’ve take so that you can see what stood out to you across your whole library in a glance.

Even better though, is that you can highlight audio sections which creates a bookmark and allows you to either pull in the transcription or make your own note on what they’re talking about at that time stamp. And they’ve got quick capture settings for if you’re using your headphones or telling Siri to save the last 30 seconds or so of the podcast as a highlight based on your preference.

Now an additional boost to making this even better is that Airr syncs with Readwise, which is another amazing app and service. But that means that you can automatically have your podcasts imported into your commonplace library, whether you use Evernote, or Notion, or Roam so that knowledge gets saved amongst everything else you’re learning and you can refer back to it and have those notes show up in your daily highlights feed for spaced repetition.

And I know it can be scary to change up the podcast player that you use, especially if you’ve got a big library of what you like to listen to the way I usually do.

Airr does allow you to import your library of subscriptions from a number of other podcast players. But I’ll also say that sometimes it feels good to do a fresh start on your queue of podcasts. Especially if the list has been expanding for some time. Think about what you are curious to learn more on right in this moment and then dive in with Airr to take your podcast notes to the next level.

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