Sunon Electric Lift Standing Desk Review

One of the best things that you can do for your focus and energy if you spend a lot of time at a desk or on a computer is to get yourself a standing desk.

I’ve built standing work stations or improvised with books and milk crates in the past but finally decided to get myself an electric sit/stand desk and went with the Sunon Electric lift standing desk.

I’ve found that this makes a huge difference in how my body feels and how energized my mind stays throughout long days of work. And having the versatility of also being able to sit when you need to can help with different types of work or shifting your position around.

The surface of the Sunon desk is 4’ x 2’, making it large enough to hold two screens at a time or one large monitor and a laptop stand like I have set up. And in Canada it costs around $380 on Amazon, making it one of the lower cost electric desks that I could find. Now this isn’t the largest desk and I probably would have gone with a larger work surface however my original idea was to try to fit this desk in a closet to have a workspace that could be hidden away when needed, but the size of the desk was just a little too big to get it to work properly.

Another big factor for me was the maximum desk height. Because I’m 6’5”, I needed a desk that could extend a lot in order to work comfortably while standing. And at 46.9” being where the desk tops out, it’s actually the perfect working height for me when standing. There are motors in both supports of the base of the desk to allow for a smooth and quick transition from sitting to standing.

The motors aren’t very loud and I’ve never found it disturbing and there’s also a special safety feature built in that the desk will automatically adjust and reverse if it comes in contact with anything while going up or down, so as to not damage the desktop or the motors.

I like the colour of the desk surface, and it has held up well for me since I got it, but it’s made of particle board and nothing too fancy.

There’s also a digital display of what height the desk is set at and has memory presets to 3 heights. So I have mine set with a preset to my working height, as well as one for sitting which is roughly aligned with the height of the desk that the Sunon sits beside. The side of the control panel has a USB port for charging devices, but I’ve found that the power it provides is so slow that I don’t really use it.

I’ve also found that the digital display is easy to reprogram if you ever get any error codes. Sometimes if there’s a power outage or the desk gets hit by something, the controler will stop working but resetting it works to get it back to normal functioning.

And as far as sturdiness goes, the desk is really good. I find that when it stops after a height adjustment, there will be a brief wobble in my monitor and the same goes for typing sometimes but I think that it’s more a factor of the monitor and its base than the desk itself. I previously had the desk in a different location which you’ve maybe seen in some past videos and it didn’t wobble or have any issues for me.

I know I often find myself watching videos or reading reviews like this one when I’m looking for products and since I had some people asking about standing desk recommendations I figured this was the easiest way to share.

If you’ve got any other questions about the desk, or about setting up your work station for maximizing flow and focus, be sure to leave a comment below.

Check out the desk here:

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