
Maybe you were on a roll before all this happened.

And when the world stalled to a halt, you were stopped in your tracks like a punch to the gut.

Losing momentum can be as fearful as the uncertainty we are all faced with. at this time

It takes a lot for me to overcome the inertia and judging by the thoughts people are sharing on social media, a lot of others feel this way as well.

The journey is never straightforward and maybe this was the reset you needed to align your mission with your values; to get clear on what is meaningful to you.

Honour your need for recovery and avoid burning out during this time. But don't lose all your momentum if you can help it.

Even one solid deep work session of 90 minutes a day can have you checking off your biggest tasks right now.

Get it done when your mind is clearest and your energy is at its peak and you'll come out of the other side of this isolation period ahead of the game.


If You Can Visualize It, You Can Realize It


The Infinite Scroll