Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin - Walter Isaacson

Benjamin Franklin is one of the most famous Americans of all time. The United States owes much of their independence and views on virtues to the efforts of Ben Franklin before America was even a country.

Ben Franklin was an inventor - of himself as much as of things. He spent his life in a wide variety of roles and has been the inspiration for countless individuals to this day. 

The biography by Walter Isaacson is another great example of Isaacson's power as a biographer. While Franklin wrote about his "Plan for Future Conduct" which was his coda for pragmatic rules for success, he was as human as the rest of us and dealt with struggles and scandals. Isaacson maintains a neutral standpoint throughout the various disputes that arise around Franklin throughout his life so that you don't see him only as a titan of industry and inventiveness. 

I do like some of Isaacson's other biographies better than this one, like Da Vinci for the beautiful colour photos of the artwork being discussed that's incorporated into the book. I was still happy that I read this biography since I wanted to learn more about Ben Franklin and his life. 

Life Value: 4/5

Entertainment Value: 4/5

Who's This Book For: 

- anyone interested in early American history.

- biography lovers

Who's This Book Not For:

- Anyone who can't stand long biographies with some fairly dry sections. 


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