An Iron Will

An Iron Will - Orison Swett Marden

People know that it is useless to oppose a man who uses his stumbling-blocks as stepping-stones; who is not afraid of defeat; who never, in spite of calumny or criticism, shrinks from his task; who never shirks responsibility; who always keeps his compass pointed to the north star of his purpose, no matter what storms may rage about him. 
— Orison Swett Marden
An Iron Will
By Orison Swett Marden
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An Iron Will was written over 100 years ago and yet many of the passages in this book remain so universally true that it is still a great book to read on finding your drive and willpower to achieve great things. 

The book is quite disjointed, as it draws from many examples, some of which are outdated, of those who have achieved great things. It does however, provide many notable passages about forging an iron will and developing the courage and discipline to achieve whatever it is you want to achieve. 

This book is now public domain so it is worth checking out, even if you just flip through to find some sections that resonate with you. 


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