
Conspiracy - Ryan Holiday

Fate sends to the conspirators of the world the best of its Murphy’s Law and entropy and crises of confidence.
— Ryan Holiday

Conspiracy is Ryan's first adventure into a different type of narrative than his typical form of non-fiction writing and he nailed it. The book details the battle between billionaire Paypal co-founder Peter Thiel and Gawker, once the internet's hub of most outlandish gossip. After being personally offended by Gawker, Thiel conspired to take them out once and for all so that they couldn't smear the names of any other people partial to privacy. This all culminated in the case of Hulk Hogan's sex tape scandal. 

While the general information about the case may be generally available, Ryan was given intimate access to both sides of the story and tried to remain unbiased in his approach to recounting the story and detailing how the narrative aligns with the traditional path of conspiracy. 

As with all of Ryan's books, this one is a real page-turner that you'll be unable to put down. 


The Fountainhead


Better Than Before