Was I Effective With My Day?

Whether you're looking to perform at your best or just find more stillness in your day, there's one simple exercise that you can practice daily that will allow you to live with more intention.

This is the same practice that Winston Churchill maintained throughout his life and if it was useful for one of the great leaders of the free world, might it not be helpful for you as well?

Ask yourself, was I effective with my day?

At the end of each day, set aside a few moments to look back and reflect on your day and in particular, ask to yourself "was I effective with my day."

Or you can write it down in a journal to look back on and see your progress.

We are often pulled along from one day to the next by the whims of others, saving no time for becoming just a little bit better each day on our journey towards our Dream Goals.

Effectiveness relates not only towards progress on those bigger goals but also in regards to your productivity. Was the work you did today actually meaningful? If it's not directly related to your Dream Goals, you must measure it in regards to the other things in your life - did your time spent generate revenue for you, or improve a relationship, or were you sucked into spending hours on social media?

The more that we look at our lives from the perspective of the guardians of something sacred, we will start to protect our time and be more effective with it.

So whether we want to accomplish great things or just prevent ourselves from running frantically from one day to the next without a breath, burning ourselves out, we've got to be more intentional with our time and it starts by assessing our effectiveness.


How Can You Challenge Yourself?


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